Get in touch with A Chaos of Delight

My name is Andy Murray. I’ve been all over the world, pursuing my passion for studying and photographing soil mesofauna. I’m now back in the UK, still taking photos and still taking occasional trips to interesting places elsewhere to look at my beloved springtails and other wonderful soil animals.

It’s always great to hear from people through the website. If you have any specific questions about soil mesofauna, an ID query or even reassurances that the earth isn’t flat and that springtails are still in no way linked to Morgellon’s at all, ever, then drop me a line.

I also write articles and provide photos for books and magazines, as well as being a photographer for hire and a copy editor for books and scientific papers. I’m always more than happy to discuss any of your needs in these areas.

(The photo above was taken in the hills close to Thames, a small town on the North Island of New Zealand. It’s an amazingly beautiful area of regenerating native bush. The tree fern dominating the photo is a mamaku, or black tree fern, NZ’s tallest.)